Aug. 13, 2015
Godet Skirts
With a letter from a reader I am testing gored skirts classical appeal in the modern world and indulging in a sartorial memoir along the way.
Earlier this summer a reader named Sophia sent me a letter requesting advice about “a particular type of skirt.” That particular type seemed to crowd her closet, but she did not feel the skirts were doing her justice. She asked what to pair them with and what shoes to pick. One of the options Sophia […]
Well done aritlce that. I’ll make sure to use it wisely.
Xena, het is alweer even geleden dat ik je hier ben tegengekomen. Gelukkig kunnen we hier alles op de voet volgen.Ik hoop dat alles snel beter gaat en je een leuke tijd in Friesland gaat hebben!Groeten van dokter Oliebol